South Dakota Trip - Part Three
Deadwood and Devil's Tower all in one day!
South Dakota Trip - Part Two
All and all, a lovely day.
First Time at the San Diego ComicCon
San Diego, even foggy, is a lovely town.
Skyline to the Sea
I thought getting onto the Skyline-to-the-Sea trail felt like a milestone, but I still had so many miles to go.
Into the Mountains
I could not help feeling that they were evil things — mountains of madness whose farther slopes looked out over some accursed ultimate abyss.
Something New
So I did it. I said yes after a month of wrangling and now I write this from a one bedroom apartment in Sunnyvale California. It still isn’t real to me, feeling more like a business trip than a relocation. This going to take some getting used to.
The Strategic Review
The Strategic Review was first published in 1975 when roleplaying was really just another form of wargaming. As a lifetime