“You are from the desert, so I will be patient in explaining why you should not leave the road. Trust not your eyes and speak not to strangers in these parts. No matter how fair. No matter how kindly.”
“This is the Hesghelwos Mahr. It is a vast expanse of trees as older than when the Seven Who Where Eight first stepped through the Hot Gate onto the face of Yggdrasil. You sit at the edge of a dark green sea where all manner of terrors hide, from the mundane bladed cats to the Horrors that have claimed it as their domain.”
“It is home to Abrask, a fiend most cunning and deadly. My Order has hunted her for more than one age and she has slain all of my brothers and sisters that have faced it. I am old and the last, so now I sit here, at the very edge of the Green Sea giving warning. I pray that when I die, which I fear will be soon, one of you will use my warning with good purpose to finally slay her.”
“Oh yes, I have seen her, in all her forms. I have been tempted by the innocent maiden begging me to help her if I but follow her through hedges just at the edge of my vision. I have stared down the glowing lights of the massive dire wolf at the edge of my fire. I have plugged my ears to the old mother urging me to boldly stride into the deep places to slay a devilish boar. I have even wet myself at the sight of her true form, a thing of bark and root, malice and seduction.”
“So stay the path on your way to… well where ever you choose to go. Avoid these dangers that are Abrask. If she gets you alone, as she desires, there will be no escape.”
~ From Taubha’s Lesser Book of Names
In House Linekegh only the Archon may be the only Horror more feared and respected than Abrask. It is not believed that she has ever been defeated, even by Taubha in her pursuit to scour Yggdrasil of all the Horrors that haunt it. Cunning, powerful, and merciless, both the living and dead of the Hesghelwos Mahr fear her ire.
Abrask is a predator, using her shapeshifting abilities to hunt and isolate her prey. She will use whatever form will work best to appeal to their vanity. The dire wolf for the brave, the maiden for the lusty and protective, and the old woman for the sympathetic. Only then, when she has them in her power, will she use her true might to take their life in service of her insatiable hunger.
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