2 min read


That was so long ago… All this time… All those years… You waited… And now this…

“I warned them. You heard me warn them, right? RIGHT?”

“No! No I won’t calm down. How can you be so calm? What is wrong with you? I don’t understand how you can be so calm…”

“Oh Ysk, he is starting again. He found someone else. I can’t make out the name. Can you?”

“Labnah? Shit. I liked her…”

“You don’t think he can get to us here, can you? I mean, he is always in the air, right? Being down here in the basement has to keep him from finding us?”

“Yeah. Yeah, how is fire cold? How is that a thing? Ysk… What kinda thing can call pillars of that shit?”

“Fuck… He found someone else… Sounds like… Keetd. Well, he deserves what he fucking gets.”

“No I won’t feel sorry for him. I hope that thing drops him from up high like it did his old man. Both of them… They have owed me money for years?”

“No. Fuck that. They deserve it. I may be a bad man, but those two. Worthless…”

“Quiet all of a sudden. Maybe it is gone? Where did this thing come from, anyway?”

“What do you mean, you? What does that fucking mean? Did you? What?”

“Called it? What does that… oh Ysk… You feel that? The cold… You called it?”

“Your sister? You have a sister? Wigah? Wigah was your sister?”

“That was so long ago… All this time… All those years… You waited… And now this…”

“Oh Ysk, I hear it outside!”

“What are you doing!? Be quiet! Oh shit… Oh Ysk, I see it… What do we-”


~ From a recording crystal found in the ruins of Astrasis

Aloker of House Gwhenegh has been described by some of the more foolish students of the Horrors as the “good” Horror because of his mission to enact revenge when called to do so. The problem with this assessment is that he is indiscriminate regarding what he destroys when he drops from the sky and reigns down icy flames. It is unclear who he might have been prior to the madness, but current thinking is that he was a soldier of some kind.

In game play he can be used like a force of nature which catches the party in his wake of destruction. He could be summoned by an enemy to destroy them during an adventure. Perhaps, most interestingly, the adventures could be called upon to stop him by the very soul who summoned him and has regrets on their choice.