
One of my clearest memories as a child is of playing in my parent's backyard by myself. I invented whole worlds for my action figures. Wrote narratives in my imagination that traveled with me from day-to-day. It was a compulsion then and it is a compulsion now...
Only less reliant on action figures these days.
That is why I started this Newsletter in the spring of 2024. I needed something to focus my creative energies. Something to keep it from consuming me.
My desires to write. To paint. To sculpt. They all become overwhelming without something to focus on. An so The Book of 500 and One Names was born.
Ostensibly created to merge my desire to write short fiction and to create monsters to be used with the Torchbearer RPG, this newsletter evolved into something bigger. It allowed me to find a new community and spurred me to create new things that were never in the plan.
It also created a decentralized mess of all my output across multiple platforms.
So found the right tool to merge my disparate creative outputs, On their platform I have merged my old blog and website with my Substack archive. It is a lot of material and will continue to grow as time goes on.
But what does that mean, practically?

Free Forever
If you sign up, you get access to the entire library of materials from now until I croak. I can't guarantee anything after that.
The Book of 500 and One Names will be delivered right to your inbox. No need to rely upon social media or weird social news feeds to find what I send out.
If you decide to become a patron, the payoff isn't more, secret digital content. It is copies of my print zine, Yggdrasil MGZ shipped right to your door. All 2025 net profits from the newsletter will be donated to the Trevor Project.

If you sign up, you get access to the entire library of materials from now until I croak. I can't guarantee anything after that.

Just want to offer support and not get the print magazine? Here is an easy way to do so!

Become a patron of my art and writing. As a patron you get access to all of the posts on this newsletter and print copies of new issues of Yggdrasil MGZ.
Your first issue will be the first issue of Yggdrasil MGZ that has not been shipped yet. Minimum of 3 months subscription to receive the magazine.

Rival Lorenzo the Magnificent with your support. As a Commissioner you get access to all of the posts on this newsletter and print copies of new issues of Yggdrasil MGZ. You also will receive a numbered unique art print sent in the mail at the end of the year.
Your first issue will be the first issue of Yggdrasil MGZ that has not been shipped yet. Minimum of 3 months subscription to receive the magazine.