
There is a funky smell to the space. That uncomfortable mix of old paper, paint fumes, and body odor built up over years and years of time. I don't think it is intentional, just what happens with a game store after surviving for years.
The space is crowded and warm. Too warm. Not hot where you pour sweat, but enough to make you wish you were outside in the wintery cold.
Rows of shelves covered in books and the walls festooned with blister packs of metal miniatures make the space feel small. The people that work there try to be friendly, but there is a definitive sense that you are an outsider. The echoing voices of the insiders bounce unintelligibly around the space from the adjoining room.
I hate this place, but I am hungry. I have a need for something new and this is the only place for miles that might have what I crave.
Not the Wizards of the Coast stuff. Not GURPS or Rifts or any of the many, many World of Darkness books. I am hungry for something different.
The last time I was there I found a copy of De Profundis and it baked my brain. This time I didn't know what I would find, but I knew it had to be different.
I don't know why I stopped to pick up Sorcerer. It sure wasn't the cover. It never had that kind of grab on me. But I did, and a few days later, everything kind of changed for me when it comes to gaming.