Torchbearer Errata
All the corrections for errors and things missed in Yggdrasil MGZ

Necromancer Skill
Necromancer's command the dead and shape the forces of entropy to their will. Combined with their training, this skill allows them to manipulate the forces of life, death, and undeath. Use Necromancer to cast necromancy wyrds and to perform actions in certain conflicts in place of the Arcanist skill.
Beginner's Luck: Will
Help: Lore Master
Supplies: Each wyrd is listed with its specific set of materials.
Necromancer Factors
Rules for using necromancy wyrds are found in Yggdrasil MGZ issue one. The obstacles for individual spells are found in their respective entries in Yggdrasil MGZ issues three and four.
Ghost Speaker Class
The Scout skill is listed twice as Scout 3 and Scout 2. The Scout 2 skill should be replaced with the Scavenger 2 skill