2 min read

Moving Day

Sometimes, you need to act on your convictions...
Moving Day

Hi. Odds are, if you are reading this in your email, you might notice something different. That is because today is moving day for The Book of 500 and One Names. I am moving my newsletter from Substack over to Ghost.

I started this newsletter in the spring of 2024 on Substack to address a creative compulsion that I have. I needed something to focus my creative energies. My desire to write. To paint.

These compulsions can become overwhelming without something to focus on. And so The Book of 500 and One Names was born. Substack seemed like the right choice at the time, but times change.

Sometimes really fast...

I would be lying if I didn't admit that Substack's backing by venture capital made me uncomfortable from the start. As this year continued, I continued to become increasingly uncomfortable with some of what I was learning about the company's leadership and some of the newsletters hosted there.

I decided to ignore it. I had found some really interesting people in the community and the tool was serving my needs. Not perfectly, but good enough.

Then, on December 17th, 2024 they announced their partnership with the Free Press...

It turned out, that was a bridge too far for me. The Free Press has been elevating writers I believe are damaging to our society. Writers who don't believe my friends and family deserve the same rights they have.

I don't believe in purity tests. No platform is perfect. No company can be trusted beyond the profit line.

But sometimes, you need to act on your convictions...

So here I am, delivering my first newsletter article from Ghost.org. I've merged my website, keithsenkowski.com with The Book of 500 and One Names and spent a few days getting things set up.

But what does that mean, practically?

  1. My newsletter will continue, but coming to your inbox and be posted to this website rather than through the Substack app.
  2. My entire archive, both from Substack and my old personal site are all here for free for all time. Or until I croak. Whichever comes first.
  3. I migrated everyone who subscribed on Substack over to this newsletter. If you aren't interested in keeping your subscription, totally understand. I appreciate your previous support.
  4. If you had a paid subscription, I have canceled the subscription over on Substack. Depending on your subscription, you may see a refund. You can sign up here if so inclined, but also understand if you pass on that. Know that you will still get issue four of Yggdrasil MGZ even if you don't subscribe.
  5. All my net profits from my newsletter will be donated to the Trevor Project for 2025. I will post updates once a quarter.
  6. I won't be deleting my Substack just yet and will continue my subscriptions unless you have a different method in which I can provide support.
  7. I will be finishing my contribution to the Death by Dungeon project.

I apologize if those move is inconvenient for anyone who has been subscribed to my newsletter this past year. I hope you can understand my reasoning.